Naseem Amjad [Nasim Amjed] Kamboh - Software Engineer of Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan



• More than 23 years of experience in IT (Information Technology) industry.
• Extensive 12 years experience in software development and leadership role, this includes requirements elicitation, technical specifications, concise communication with all levels of management, configuration management, software develoment, team management, complete SDLC program management and resource planning.
• Over 11 years of experience as software architect for mainly for Web based software applications, technical and solutions architect.
• Strong problem solving skills and understanding of Agile methodologies.
• Performed Technical Audits and Code Reviews of Software Projects.
• Hands-on Software Programmer (Consultant)


•  Master in Business Administration, Punjab University (IBA), Pakistan. (2005 - 2007)
•  Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, FAST-National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan (1996 - 1998).

Skills & Tools:

•  Expertise: Project Management, SCRUM (Agile Coach), Software Design Consultancy, Solution Architect
•  Languages & Tools: C#, Visual Basic, dotNET Core, C++, Java
•  Internet: Python, ASP.NET, HTML, JavaScript, XML, PHP, JQuery, NodeJS, Express, C#, Flask, Django, Codeignitor, Laravel, Unity3D, FastApi
•  Databases & SQL: MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQL, Oracle, Postgresql, Redis
•  Technologies: OOP, Graphics, REST APIs, MicroServices, .NET , MVC
•  Operating Systems: Windows , Linux
•  Data: BigQuery, Cloud Function, DataForm, Looker Studio, Azure DevOps, SageMaker
•  Cloud: SAAS, Azure Cloud, Digital Ocean, Heroku, AWS, GCP
•  IOT: Raspberry Pi, Arduino
•  AI: OpenAi (ChatGpt), Langchain, Speech to Text, Text to Speech, NLP

NETSOL Technologies Pakistan


Agile Process Manager - Business Innovation Group

Project Name: Software Development Practices

Description: Improvement of Agile processes within organization, optimization, change management, code review automation , unit testing automation, Development of DashBoard that integrates with different online systems and pulls data from Jira , Jenkins, SonarQube etc. Involvement as Technical Auditor of the flag ship product.

Tools & Technologies: Jira, Visual Studio

Responsibilities: Administration and Operations Management

Carpooling Pakistan

Project Name: Ride N Share - NETSOL Carpooling System

Description: Software Application for car pooling and ride sharing.

Tools & Technologies: SQL Server, ASP.NET (C#.NET), Bootstrap, HTML , CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, MVC, Entity Framework.

Responsibilities: Project Management

Technical Project Manager - Development Manager

NETSOL Technologies, Pakistan (NASDAQ: NTWK)

Project Name: Credit Application Processing (CAP)

Description: Credit Application Processing CAP is a component of NETSOL Financial Suite(NFS) also known as LeaseSoft / Ascent , a flagship product of NETSOL Pakistan. CAP provides platform for credit analysis and approval of a proposal. It also includes documents management system (uploading and tracking). Clients are Toyota, Mercedes, Nissan, BMW , ISUZU

Tools & Technologies: SQL Server / Oracle, VB & C# ASP.NET

Responsibilities: Project Management that includes Planning, Cost Management, Tracking and Oversight, Client Communication, Risk Management, Estimations 

Project Name: Credit MIS & FIS (PRSP)

Description: Credit MIS & FIS was developed for Punjab Rural Support Program. The system automates the process and includes Payroll, Fixed Assets Management, Loan Management etc.

Tools & Technologies: SQL Server 2005 is used as database. Front end is developed in ASP.NET using C#.NET Framework. Crystal Reports is used for reporting.

Responsibilities: Project Management that includes Planning, Cost Management, Tracking and Oversight, Client Handling, Risk Management.

Project Name: Patient Registration and Tracking System

Description: PRTS was developed for Armed Force Institute of Dentistry (AFID). The application records patients data, diagnosis and treatment details. Billing and reporting is also part of the system.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Front end is developed in VB.NET. MS Crystal Reports is used for reporting.

Responsibilities: Management of the whole project that includes Planning, Architecture Designing, Resource induction, Database Designing, Task Assignment to team members.

Project Name: Search Engine Marketing Tool Box (SMToolBox)

Description: SMToolBox is a web based application developed for search engine marketing agents. The workflow and processes of these agents are automated through this tool. SMToolBox also produces reports and charts of data collected from different search engines like Google, Overture, FindWhat, eSpotting, LookSmart, Kanoodle.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Front end is developed in ASP.NET . MS SQL Reporting Tool is used for reporting.

Responsibilities: Management of the whole project that includes Planning, Architecture Designing, Resource induction, Database Designing, Task Assignment to team members.

Project Name: Trade Finance System (TFS)

Description: TFS is an application being developed for an offshore agent who facilitates and finances the importers. TFS automates the manual documentation procedure and helps in managing the workflow of these documents. Some of the modules of this project are Order Management, LC Creation, Invoice Creation, Bank Schedule Generation, Payment Settlement etc.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Front end is developed in ASP.NET .

Responsibilities: Management of the whole project that includes Planning, Architecture Designing, Database Designing, Task Assignment to team members.

Project Name: Result Management System (RMS)

Description: The project is initiated to develop a Management System for the 9th SAF games, which will be held in Islamabad, Pakistan. The purpose of this Result Management System is to track all the events at the 9th SAF Games and to publish the formatted information like scores and player profiles on media and scoreboards.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Web pages are developed in ASP.NET .

Responsibilities: Management of the whole project that includes Planning, Architecture Designing, Database Designing, Task Assignment to team members and assistance in development.

Comments of General Manager.

Project Name: PASHA Web Site

Description: A database driven dynamic web site of Pakistan All Software House Association (PASHA) is developed which provides information to general visitors. Members of PASHA can also access classified information. The site is very easy to maintain and helps web master to manage it through web browser without using FTP software.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Web pages are developed in ASP .

Responsibilities: Management of the whole project that includes Planning, Architecture Designing, Database Designing, Task Assignment to team members and assistance in development of Stored procedures & ASP pages.

Project Name: Games Management System (GMS)

Description: GMS is a product developed for the SAF Games, which is a regular sporting event of the seven SAARC countries. GMS is an intranet based site that is comprised of IT inventory system, Accreditation System, Transport Management, Accommodation management and Protocol Management. The data is added and accessed by the user according to his privileges. Reports are generated according to given selection criteria. The system records the data and helps in management of available resources efficiently.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Web pages are developed in ASP . COM components are developed in Visual Basic . MTS is used as a middle tier.

Responsibilities: Planning, Task Division, Training, Development of COM components, Stored Procedures and ASP pages.

Project Name: Help Desk

Description: HelpDesk is a web-based system that is used for tracking support services provided
by the company. The customer's requests are followed up and the customer can view the status of his/her request.

Tools & Technologies: MS SQL is used at the server. Web pages are developed in ASP .

Responsibilities: Development of ASP pages.

Project Name: Kool Bar

Description: Kool Bar is a plug in for Internet Explorer that blocks pornographic web sites. A database of ban URL's is maintained at the server.

Tools & Technologies: Plug in and client side applications are developed in Visual C++ . MS SQL is used at the server. Database is managed through web pages developed in ASP . DHTML is used in the plug in for efficient use of the available space.

Responsibilities: Risk Analysis. Development of core components in Visual C++ and development of ASP pages.

Project Name: Girl Tech Browser

Description: A suite of web aware applications that include community Browser, IRC Chat Client, Email client, Instant Messaging, Web Based Story Board and a search engine.

Tools & Technologies: Applications are developed in Visual C++ and ASP . MS SQL Server is used to maintain databases of User information and preferences, White and Black list of URLs, Avatar images, Text and status of storyboard etc. Databases are managed through web pages developed in ASP. Search engine component was developed in Visual Basic .

Responsibilities : Requirement analysis, system design, task assignment to team members and development.

Social Responsibility / Freelancing:

Project Name: Online Neon Builder / Customizer

Description: An ecommerce website giving users option to customize Neon Signs before purchasing. Uses JavaScript and Jquery at frontend. Uses PHP and MySQL at backend.

Project Name: Bionify

Description: Bionify is a suite of web browser extensions developed for Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox and Microsoft Edge that help in speed reading the text of web sites.

Project Name: WorDict

Description: WorDict is an addictive word puzzle game that can used to Learn English developed in Visual Basic .

Project Name: Urdu Text Box / Urdu ActiveX Control

Description: Text Box (ocx) for writing Urdu script. Developed in Visual Basic . Can be used for Arabic/Persian (Farsi) language.

Project Name: Arabic Text Ticker (SMS2TV and MMS2TV)

Description: Text ticker developed using C# and VB.NET. The ticker displays SMS (Text) sent in English and Arabic Language, it also displays MMS (Video/Photos) on screen.

Project Name: myNumbers

Description: myNumbers is a software application developed for mobiles (cell phones) , It is a simple learning tool for kids (children) It was developed in Flash Lite.

Project Name: Urdu Bar

Description: UrduBar is a plugin for web browsers alowing user to type Urdu (Arabic / Farsi) in text boxes found on web pages , It was developed for FireFox and Internet Explorer.

Project Name: Urdu Nigar Unicode / Rray version

Description: Urdu Nigar Unicode is a Free Urdu Editor / WordProcessor developed in C# & VB.NET

Project Name: Urdu Game

Description: Phansi Ghar is an online web game optimized for mobile phones developed in ASP.

Project Name: Bionify - Bionic Reading

Description: Bionify is a plugin / addon for web browser that makes reading text easy.

Teaching & Supervisory Experience:

More than 2 years of experience in teaching ( C# , Jira , Web Technologies (PHP), Agile (Scrum) and Software Engineering) and supervising projects at different institutes.

Freelancing / Programming:

Developed different software apps , See Naseem Amjad's Profile for more details.

Naseem Amjad's Web Page