Custom Software Development
AJSoft develops custom software and database solutions…on
time…on budget…every time…guaranteed!!! Our consultants work
with clients to learn their unique business approach and apply
our experience and technical expertise to provide the optimum
technical solution for your business needs. AJSoft builds
custom solutions tailored to your unique business model, and
designs applications that are tailored to optimize the success
of your organization. Our flexible development methodology
allows us to provide you with these valuable services at up
to 50% reductions in time and cost of development, simply
because we know what we are doing.
Software Support
AJSoft provides lifetime warranty on all of our solutions
and also provides custom services for reports concerning the
performance and state of your system at a fixed monthly cost.
With a AJSoft support contract, your solution will be continually
upgraded as new, proven technologies become available that
can improve it. AJSoft consultants will work with you to continually
evaluate and grade your application and identify areas of
enhancement for your applications to continue performing at
optimum levels.